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You are here: Welcome >Ressources > The Personal Training Account (CPF)

The personal training account (CPF)

The Personal Training Account allows you to acquire rights to professional training that can be used throughout your professional life. It follows each person from their entry into working life until their retirement.


The CPF makes it possible to finance eligible certifying and qualifying training


Find in this complete file what the CPF is, why use it, how to use it, who are the recipients...


Who is the CPF for?


  • Employees, including those on an apprenticeship or professionalization contract, and until their retirement

  • job seekers

  • Young people who have left the school system without qualifications

  • Public officials (The supply and use of the CPF is specific to the public service: find all the information on our dedicated page "the CPF in the public service")

  • Self-employed workers since 2018 (craftsmen, traders, micro-entrepreneurs, auto-entrepreneurs, farmers, author artists, etc.), liberal professions or self-employed professions, and collaborating spouses


How to know your rights to training?


By connecting to his personal space My Training Account, each person holding an account can know his CPF balance. Each year, the account is credited in euros and calculated in proportion to the working time in year N-1.


How are fees calculated?


Since January 1, 2015, the personal training account has replaced the individual right to training (DIF) with the resumption of rights acquired on the latter.


The personal training account (CPF) was last filled with hours in the first quarter of 2019, for activity in 2019, then it was automatically converted into euros, on the basis of 15 euros per hour.
Since then, the account is funded with 500 euros per year with a ceiling of 5000 € or 800 euros per year with a ceiling of 8000 €, for the least qualified.


For example:  a qualified employee who has never used his CPF now has €3,740 to choose a CPF-eligible course.


How to enter and use DIF hours on your CPF account?


>> Reporting your DIF hours on your CPF account only takes a few minutes: download our practical sheet "Report of DIF hours".


  • The DIF or Individual Right to Training corresponds to the existing professional training system until December 31, 2014. All employees before 12/31/2014 may still have a balance of DIF rights that can be carried over to the Training Account.

  • The number of DIF hours can represent a maximum of 120 hours. These hours automatically converted into euros (15€ per hour) can represent up to 1800€. These hours will be added to the amount available on the account; no expiry date

  • Only the holder can report their hours in their Account. He must do so before June 30, 2021. Beyond the postponement date, the hours will be lost.

  • A request for proof will be required when requesting training on the site.

  • The information can be found on the payslip of December 2014 or January 2015.

  • For job seekers, this balance of DIF hours can be found on the work certificate which was submitted by the last employer (for terminations of the employment contract between 2009 and 2014 during the period of existence of the DIF).

  • All the information on this report can be found on the site


How to find a course eligible for the CPF?


Consult our eligible training


Is the agreement of My employer or Pôle emploi necessary to use my CPF?


The mobilization of the personal training account is the initiative of the employee and the job seeker.


• Training followed outside working hours: without the employer's agreement

• Training followed in whole or in part, during working time, the employee must request leave of absence from his employer.


The employee's request must be made at least 60 days before the start of training lasting less than six months and at least 120 days for training lasting six months or more. From receipt of the request, the employer has a period of 30 calendar days to notify the employee of his response. The absence of a response from the employer within this period shall constitute acceptance of the request.


How to register for a CPF eligible training?


Go to  or on the mobile application using his social security number and a password.


Reminder: Don't forget to postpone your DIF hours before 06/30/2020. After this date the hours will be lost


The time limit for access to our CPF training is 11 days. 


the available balance does not cover the cost of the training, what should I do?


There are several possibilities for top-ups (additional financial aid) in the event that the amount shown on the counter is insufficient to cover the entire course. This supplement can be self-financing or a voluntary contribution, from the company, from Pôle emploi, from the region, from Opco, etc.


• In the case of self-financing, the remainder can be paid directly by bank card on the site.
• A job seeker can benefit from additional funding from Pôle emploi for his training project, directly from

My training account.

• An employer can allocate additional funding

To contact your employer:


1: Download the PDF of the training file. At this stage, wait to send your file to the training organization
2: Present the pdf document to your employer to discuss the training
3: The employer can then assign rights directly online on the website
4: Validate your file!

• If the rights are insufficient, pay the rest to be paid by credit card to finalize the file.


What happens if a person changes employment status?


The personal training account (CPF) is attached to the person and not to their employment contract or status.
The credit recorded on the account therefore follows the person throughout his professional career, regardless of his change of professional situation or loss of employment within the limit of 5,000 euros or 8,000 euros for the least qualified.


Can we give up part of our CPF?


The CPF is a right to individual training, it is not transferable to date.


Can we use the CPF to retrain or change jobs?


Employees who wish to retrain or change jobs can use the new “CPF de transition professionnelle” It replaces the CIF since January 1, 2019, thus maintaining the principle of paid training leave.

It is accessible to employees on permanent contracts, fixed-term contracts, resigning for retraining and also to intermittent and temporary workers (Ordinance Coquille of August 22, 2019). It is however subject to rules of seniority: at least twenty-four months, consecutive or not, including twelve months in the company, whatever the nature of the successive employment contracts.

Eligible training is the same as for the CPF base. Candidates for a professional transition CPF can benefit from the support of the Professional Development Council (CEP) to formalize their project.


You are a Training Manager or want to know more


How is the CPF account funded?


The employer declares the employee's activity data which appears on the DADS and which is then transmitted directly to the Caisse des dépôts and then automatically transformed into euros for the right to training.


The rights vary according to the professional situation:


  • Part-time employees   


If working time is between 50% and 100% of full time, same rights as full-time employees. Proration for employees whose part-time is less than 50% of full-time.


  • People looking for work


Periods of unemployment do not allow the acquisition of rights. But it can be used by job seekers for training.


  • Self-employed
    The account of self-employed workers, members of the liberal professions and self-employed professions, collaborating spouses, artist authors, will be supplied in 2020 for activities in 2018 and 2019,


  • Officials


The account of public or contractual agents has been fed automatically since the first half of 2018. That of statutory agents of consular chambers (chambers of commerce and industry, chambers of trades and crafts, chambers of agriculture) has been fed since the second half of 2018.


  • The CPF counters of civil servants remain displayed in hours. They are not converted into euros.


At what time of the year is the CPF account credited?


The CPF account is fed automatically at the beginning of the year (for the rights acquired from the previous year). The rights remain acquired even if the holder of an account changes employer.


What courses are eligible for the CPF?


The use of the Training Account is restricted to qualifying or certifying training.
NB. For public officials, the training courses eligible for the CPF are not necessarily certifying or qualifying.

Are eligible for the CPF, training that leads to:

  • a diploma, a certificate of professional qualification (CQP) or block of skills, registered in the RNCP (National Directory of Professional Certifications)

  • a certification or authorization recorded in the "specific directory of certifications and authorizations" (which replaces the Inventory);

a skills assessment, a Validation of Acquired Experience (VAE) action, B and HGV licenses, a support and advice action intended for business creators or buyers or an action related to the exercise volunteering or volunteering assignments.


What happened to the hours acquired before January 1, 2019?


The hours registered on the Training Account on December 31, 2018 (including DIF hours) are converted into euros according to a rate defined by decree at €15 per hour.

For example, an employee who has never used his DIF (120 hours) and who still has his stock of CPF hours acquired since 2015 (72 hours) will therefore have 2,280 euros in his account. To this sum will be added, during the first quarter of 2019, 360 euros for the 24 hours acquired for the year 2018.

Unused DIF hours are also converted into euros and can be used "without expiry date" provided they have been reported by the beneficiary on their training account before 31-12-2020 (see Coquille Ordinance of August 22, 2019).




CSCHOOL offers various language courses. English, German, Spanish, Italian or French as a foreign language


How to register for a CSCHOOL training? Can I register remotely? How do I receive my certificate and certificate?


How can I retrieve my administrative documents? Convention, convocation, attendance sheet.

How do I pay my bill? 



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