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Common european framework of reference for languages

quel est mon niveau de langues ? le cecrl est idéal pour connaitre son niveau

A1 - Introductory or Discovery Level

Keywords: simple questions, close and familiar environment.
1. Understand (Listen):I can understand familiar words and very common expressions
subject of myself, my family and the concrete and immediate environment, if people speak
slowly and distinctly.
2. Understand (Read):I can understand familiar names, words and phrases that are very
simple, for example in advertisements, posters or catalogues.
3. Speak (Take part in a conversation):I can communicate, in a simple way, provided that
the interlocutor is willing to repeat or reformulate their sentences more slowly and to help me formulate what
what I'm trying to say. I can ask simple questions on familiar topics or on things I have
immediately need, as well as answer such questions.
4. Speaking (Expressing oneself orally continuously):I can use simple expressions and sentences to
describe where I live and the people I know.
5. Write:I can write a simple short postcard, for example from holidays. I can wear
personal details in a questionnaire, for example entering my name, nationality and address on
a hotel sheet.

A2 - Intermediate or Survival Level

Keywords: descriptions, simple conversations.
1. Understand (Listen):I can understand very frequent expressions and vocabulary related to this
which concerns me very closely (e.g. myself, my family, purchases, close environment, work).
I can grasp the gist of simple, clear announcements and messages.
2. Understand (Read):I can read very simple short texts. I can find information
foreseeable particularity in common documents such as small advertisements, prospectuses,
menus and timetables and I can understand short and simple personal letters.
3. Speak (Take part in a conversation):I can communicate in simple and routine tasks
asking for a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar topics and activities. I can
have very brief exchanges even if, as a rule, I do not understand enough to pursue a
4. Speaking (Expressing oneself orally continuously):I can use a series of sentences or expressions to
describe in simple terms my family and other people, my living conditions, my education and my activity
current or recent occupation.
5. Write:I can write simple and short notes and messages. I can write a personal letter very
simple, for example thanks.

B1 - Threshold level

Keywords: beginning of autonomy; get by, express your opinion.
1. Understand (Listen):I can understand the main points when clear and standard language is used and
if it's familiar topics about work, school, hobbies, etc. I can understand the gist of many
radio or television programs on current events or on subjects that interest me personally or professionally if
one speaks in a relatively slow and distinct way.
2. Understand (Read):I can understand texts written mainly in everyday or relative language
at my work. I can understand the description of events, the expression of feelings and wishes in
personal letters.
3. Speak (Take part in a conversation):I can deal with the majority of situations that can be encountered in the
during a trip to an area where the language is spoken. I can take part in a conversation unprepared
on topics that are familiar or of personal interest or that affect everyday life (e.g. family, hobbies, work,
travel and news).
4. Speaking (Expressing oneself orally continuously):I can articulate expressions in a simple way in order to tell
experiences and events, my dreams, my hopes or my goals. I can briefly give the reasons and
explanations of my opinions or plans. I can tell a story or the plot of a book or film and express
my reactions.
5. Write:I can write a simple and coherent text on subjects that are familiar or that interest me personally.
I can write personal letters describing experiences and impressions.

B2 - Advanced or Independent level

Keywords: fluent comprehension and ability to converse; issue an opinion, systematically support a
1. Understand (Listen):I can understand fairly long lectures and speeches and even follow a
complex argument if the subject is relatively familiar to me. I can understand most TV shows
news and information television. I can understand most movies in standard language.
2. Understand (Read):I can read articles and reports on contemporary issues in which
authors adopt a particular attitude or a certain point of view. I can understand a literary text
contemporary in prose.
3. Speak (Take part in a conversation):I can communicate with a degree of spontaneity and fluency that
makes normal interaction with a native speaker possible. I can actively participate in a conversation in
familiar situations, present and defend my opinions.
4. Speaking (Expressing oneself orally continuously):I can express myself clearly and in detail on a wide range of
topics related to my areas of interest. I can develop a point of view on a topical subject and explain the
advantages and disadvantages of different possibilities.
5. Write:I can write clear and detailed texts on a wide range of subjects relating to my interests. I can
write an essay or report conveying information or giving reasons for or against an opinion
given. I can write letters that highlight the meaning that I personally attribute to events and

C1 - Autonomous level: for regular use in contexts of reasonable difficulty

Keywords: express oneself spontaneously and fluently, fairly good command.
1. Understand (Listen):I can understand a long speech even if it is not clearly structured and the
articulations are only implied. I can understand TV shows and movies without much effort.
2. Understand (Read):I can understand long and complex factual or literary texts and appreciate their
stylistic differences. I can understand specialized articles and long technical instructions even when they
are not related to my domain.
3. Speak (Take part in a conversation):I can express myself spontaneously and fluently without too much
apparently having to search for my words. I can use language flexibly and effectively for relationships
social or professional. I can express my ideas and opinions with precision and link my interventions to those
of my interlocutors.
4. Speaking (Expressing oneself orally continuously):I can present clear and detailed descriptions of topics
complex, integrating themes related to them, developing certain points and ending my intervention
5. Write:I can express myself in a clear and well-structured text and develop my point of view. I can write on
complex topics in a letter, essay or report, emphasizing the points that I consider important. I can
adopt a style adapted to the recipient.

C2 - Mastery level

Keywords: understanding effortlessly, expressing oneself spontaneously.
1. Understand (Listen):I have no difficulty understanding oral language, whether in the conditions of the
live or in the media and when speaking quickly, provided I have time to familiarize myself with an accent
2. Understand (Read):I can effortlessly read any type of text, even abstract or complex in terms of content or
form, for example a manual, a specialized article or a literary work.
3. Speak (Take part in a conversation): I can participate effortlessly in any conversation or discussion and am
also very comfortable with idiomatic expressions and common turns of phrase. I can express myself fluently and
express fine nuances of meaning with precision. In case of difficulty, I can go back to fix it
with enough skill and for it to pass almost unnoticed.
4. Speaking (Expressing oneself orally continuously): I can present a clear and fluent description or argument
in a style appropriate to the context, constructing a presentation in a logical way and helping my listener to notice and
remember important points.
5.Write: I can write clear, flowing text that is stylistically appropriate to the circumstances. I can write letters,
complex reports or articles, with a clear construction allowing the reader to grasp and memorize the
important points. I can summarize and criticize in writing a professional work or a literary work.



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How can I retrieve my administrative documents? Convention, convocation, attendance sheet.

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