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Certifications: CSCHOOL processes and commitments
Since the Professional Future Law, training courses eligible for the CPF must lead to certifications officially recognized by France Competences.
Our certification commitments
Our certifications are officially registered in the National Directory of Professional Certification and in the Specific Directory (ex CNCP inventory).
The skills and certification frameworks are accessible on the portal
Each certification attests to the mastery of skills to strengthen the employability of our learners.
Find our training eligible for the CPF.
We pay special attention to the whole process
Certification tests
For more information on how to obtain our certifications:
Key indicators
The course conversion rate. An automated follow-up system, coupled with the vigilant support of our trainers, encourages the certification candidate to complete their course.
The success rate in the certification tests. We are constantly analyzing our support and evaluation processes, in order to put in place corrective measures if necessary. Our success rate in the certification tests is 95%.